Stylistyka (Dec 2008)

Významové souvislosti univerbizátů a s nimi stejně znějících výrazů v textech současné češtiny

  • Ivana Kolářová

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 17
pp. 295 – 311


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Univerbization is a process of word-formation by which the words of a compound lexeme or of a syntactic construction fuse into a single word/one-word lexeme: that one-word lexeme is called univerbizate (in Czech univerbizát - a result of the process of univerbization), for example: světový rekord (world rekord - compound lexeme) - svěťák (an „univerbizate”); mikrovlnná trouba (microwave oven - compound lexeme) - mikrovlnka (an „univerbizate”). The „univerbizates” are almost derived by suffix from one of the word of compound lexeme (světový - svěťák, mikrovlnný - mikrovlnka). Czech national corpus evidences that there are many „univerbizates” in contemporary Czech texts. We are going to find the „univerbizates” in corpora SYN2000, SYN2005, SYN2006pub that have the same language form and different meaning, but we assume that the meaning of the „univerbizates” with the same language form are connected with one another. The univerbizates can have the same language form like: - other „univerbizates”, for example dvouletka means: a) dvouletá rostlina, for example pupalka dvouletá (evening primrose); b) dvouleté období (two-year/biennial cycle); - other words, that are not called „univerbizates”, for example dopravák a) dopravák (an „univerbizate”) means dopravní policista (traffic policeman, transit cop); b) when dopravák means zaměstnanec ve sféře dopravy („some persone working in the sphere of transportation and traffic”), it is not an „univerbizate”. We are going to deal with process of „univerbization” by which words of various compound lexeme or various syntactic structures fuse into the same one-word lexeme. We will compare frequency of them and stylish characteristics.
