Media Gizi Mikro Indonesia (Mar 2015)
Pengaruh Iodium dan Selenium terhadap Jumlah Sel Spermatogonium dan Struktur Histologis Tubulus Seminiferus Testis Tikus Wistar Hipotiroid
PENGARUH IODIUM DAN SELENIUM TERHADAP JUMLAH SEL SPERMATOGONIUM DAN STRUKTUR HISTOLOGIS TUBULUS SEMINIFERUS TESTIS TIKUS WISTAR HIPOTIROID Iodine and Selenium Effect on Spermatogonia Cell Numbers and Histologist Structure of Seminiferous Tubules Testis Hypothyroid Wistar Rats ABSTRACT Background. Thyroid hormones are proven to have a direct effect on sexual development and reproductive function. Hypothyroidism in men cause decreased libido, impotence, and oligospermie. Thyroid disorders associated with abnormal testicular morphology and function. Selenium was closely related to male fertility. Glutathione peroxidase 4 (GPx4) was first known as the antioxidant enzymes is selenoenzyme which is dominant in testis allegedly important for spermatogenesis. Objective. The aim of this study was to evaluate spermatogonia cell numbers and the histological structure of seminiferous tubules of hypothyroid rats as a result of the intervention with iodine and selenium. Method. An experimental study with post-test only control group design. Fifty hypothyroidism male Wistar rats induced by Propylthiouracil (PTU) for four week were divided into three groups through simple random sampling. Group I treated with iodine, group II treated with iodine + selenium and group III is control group. Sampling to determine groups by randomization. Blood sample was taken and then Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) blood level was measured using an Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA). Whereas, spermatogonia cell numbers and the histological structure of seminiferous tubules was measured using Hematoxylin Eosin (HE) histologist. Anova test was used to compare the data obtained from treated and control groups of TSH blood level and spermatogonia cell numbers. Data of seminiferous tubules histological structure were analyzed by comparing between groups. Result. TSH blood level in group I (3.5 ± 4.9 μIU/mL), group II (1.9 ± 1.5 μIU/mL, and group III (13.5 ± 8.3 μIU/mL) was significantly difference with value (p=0.000). However, spermatogonia cell numbers on group I (66.6 ± 18.1), group II (57.4 ± 3.3), on group III (53.6 ± 5.3) was not significantly difference with value (p=0.204). Observation of the seminiferous tubules in group I and II showed that spermatogenic cell structure appeared more clearly, with more full spermatogenic structures, narrower tubular lumen contains lots of sperm. Observations in group III showed abnormal seminiferous tubules, irregular arrangement of spermatogenic cells with wider lumen contains few sperm. Conclusion. Iodine and selenium had no effect on the average number of spermatogonia cells and affected the histological structure of the seminiferous tubules in wistar rats testis. Keywords: hypothyroid, iodine, selenium, spermatogenesis, TSH ABSTRAK Latar Belakang. Hormon tiroid mempengaruhi perkembangan seksual dan fungsi reproduksi. Hipotiroid pada pria dapat menyebabkan libido berkurang, impotensi, dan oligospermia. Kelainan tiroid terkait dengan kelainan morfologi dan fungsi testis. Selenium erat kaitannya dengan kesuburan laki-laki. Glutathione peroksidase 4 (GPx4) pertama kali dikenal sebagai enzim antioksidan adalah selenoenzyme dominan di testis dan diduga penting dalam proses spermatogenesis. Tujuan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji jumlah sel spermatogonium dan struktur histologis tubulus seminiferus tikus hipotiroid akibat intervensi iodium dan selenium. Metode. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen dengan rancangan post-test only control group design. Subyek penelitian ini berjumlah 15 ekor tikus Wistar jantan yang sebelumnya dibuat hipotiroid dengan pemberian PTU dengan dosis 15 mg/kg BB. Tikus dibagi menjadi tiga kelompok, yaitu kelompok perlakuan I (intervensi iodium), II (iodium dan selenium) dan kelompok kontrol III (kontrol hipotiroid). Masing-masing kelompok terdiri dari lima ekor tikus yang ditentukan dengan cara randomisasi. Penentuan kadar TSH diambil dari serum darah untuk menentukan hipotiroid dan jumlah spermatogonium serta struktur histologis tubulus seminiferus diambil dari sediaan histologi testis. Kadar TSH dan jumlah spermatogonium dianalisis menggunakan uji Anova. Struktur histologis tubulus seminiferus testis dianalisis dengan cara membandingkan antara kelompok. Hasil. Kadar TSH pada kelompok I (3.5 ± 4.9 μIU/mL), kelompok II (1.9 ± 1.5 μIU/mL), dan kelompok III (13.5 ± 8.3 μIU/mL). Uji stastistik mendapatkan hasil beda nyata dengan nilai (p=0.000). Jumlah rata-rata sel spermatogonium pada kelompok I (66.6 ± 18.1), kelompok II (57.4 ± 3.3) dan pada kelompok III (53.6 ± 5.3). Uji stastistik mendapatkan hasil tidak beda nyata dengan nilai (p=0.204). Pengamatan tubulus seminiferus pada kelompok I dan II didapatkan susunan sel spermatogenik yang lebih jelas, dengan struktur spermatogenik yang lebih rapat, dan lumen tubulus yang lebih sempit dan terisi dengan sperma. Pada kelompok III tubulus seminiferus abnormal, susunan sel-sel spermatogenik tidak teratur dan kurang rapat. Lumen tampak lebar dan terisi sedikit sperma. Kesimpulan. Iodium dan selenium tidak berpengaruh pada jumlah rata-rata sel spermatogonium testis tikus tetapi berpengaruh terhadap struktur histologis tubulus seminiferus testis tikus. Kata kunci: hipotiroid, iodium, selenium, spermatogenesis, TSH