Revista Compolítica (Oct 2016)
A Comunicação do Governo Migliorini em Chapecó (1983-1988) a partir das capas do jornal Diário da Manhã
This article is the conclusion of the second stage of a study whose objective is to examine the administration of Chapecó’s former mayor, Ledônio Faustino Migliorini, 1983-1988, as from of the covers of the Diário da Manhã newspaper. The research methodology consisted in a content analysis per a composed week sample, with analysis in 147 editions of periodic. The editions resulted in 176 analyzed contents identifying how was the presence of the government on the newspaper, the topics and emphasis related to the Government. The results show that the newspaper was determinant to the public’s image construction of Migliorini’s Government, setting up how an allied on the predominantly positive exposure of the public’s administration actions and Mayor’s personal promotion.