Pedagogics, Psychology, Medical-Biological Problems of Physical Training and Sports (Mar 2015)
Features of competitive activity of highly qualified Greco-Roman style wrestler of different manner of conducting a duel
Purpose: to analyze the technical and tactical training of Greco-Roman style wrestlers. Material : an analysis of 75 fights fighters winners (25 fight each style). Results : identified 10 main technical activities that are most commonly used in today's competitive activity of highly skilled fighters. It was found that for all the groups most fighters is received on the ground is a coup coasting. In the front - takedowns. Determined that in order to achieve victory GAME WRESTLERS use high-impact technical actions. POWER AND TEMPO - simple techniques. It was found that high-class fighters may lead the fight in different styles of confrontation. It depends on the personality of the opponent, subjective judging period, cramping, accounts for the fight and the level of competition. Conclusions : It was found that the most informative in assessing the technical and tactical capabilities fighters carries the final part of the competition. It is determined by the efficiency, effectiveness, technical arsenal.