Fenomena (Sep 2021)
PENGARUH MOTIVASI KERJA DAN BUDAYA ORGANISASI TERHADAP ORGANIZATIONAL CITIZENSHIP BEHAVIOR (Studi pada karyawan Bank Jatim Syariah Kantor Cabang Kediri Dan Kantor Cabang Pembantu Blitar)
Quality of human resources are the most valuable assets in maintaining the survival of a company. Therefore, HR are needed who are willing to take part beyond their in-role work, in other words, these HR display extra-role behavior or are called organizational citizenship behavior. There are several factors that encourage OCB, including work motivation and organizational culture. The problem in this study is whether work motivation and organizational culture affect organizational citizenship behavior of employees in Bank Jatim Syariah Kediri Branch Office and Blitar Sub-Branch Office. The population and research sample amounted to 47 people. The method used is descriptive quantitative, multiple regression analysis, and coefficient determination. Research result this, from the variable categorization all of the research variables obtained in the moderate category. Results of regression equation Y = 0.160 + 0.436X1 + 0.501X2. The result of the correlation coefficient test of Work Motivation to Organizational Citizenship Behavior is 0.748. The result of partial test, work motivation against organizational citizenship behavior shows that tcount> ttable (7.566> 2.013) with Sig. 0.00 ttable (6.104> 2.013) with Sig. 0.00 Ftable (69.653> 3.21) with Sig. 0.00 <0.05. And The result of coefficient determination shows a value of 0.760, then concluded that there is a positive and significant influence of dependent variable on independent variable.