Jurnal Keperawatan Indonesia (Jul 2015)

Efek Dukungan Emosional Keluarga pada Harga Diri Remaja: Pilot Study

  • Mara Imbang. S Hasiolan,
  • Sutejo Sutejo

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 18, no. 2
pp. 67 – 71


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Dukungan emosional keluarga berupa perhatian, kepercayaan, empati dan kepedulian pada remaja, bisa membuat remaja merasa diperhatikan, dicintai, nyaman, dan dihargai. Dampaknya terhadap pembentukan harga diri remaja yaitu pendirian yang kuat, sikap optimis, dan percaya diri. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengidentifikasi efek dukungan emosional keluarga pada harga diri remaja. Desain penelitian korelasi dengan potong lintang. Sampel penelitian 31 responden, dengan analisis uji Spearman Rank. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat efek dukungan emosional keluarga pada harga diri remaja (p= 0,002). Rekomendasi penelitian ini diharapkan remaja tetap mempertahankan hubungan dengan keluarga dan kualitas harga diri. Abstract The Effect of Family Emotional Support on Teenager’s Self-Esteem. Family emotional support in the form of attention, trust, empathy, and concern in adolescents, can make teenagers feel cared for, loved, comfortable and appreciated. The impact on the formation of adolescent self-esteem that is the establishment of a strong, optimistic attitude, and confidence. The aim of research to identify the effects of emotional support for the family on adolescent self-esteem. Design correlation with cross sectional study. The research sample 31 respondents, with analysis of Spearman Rank test. The results showed there were effects on the family emotional support adolescent self-esteem (p= 0,002). Recommendations of this study are expected to adolescents retaining relationships with family and the quality of self-esteem. Keywords: emotional support, family, self-esteem, teenager