Anales del Jardín Botánico de Madrid (Jun 2013)
Morphological description and ecology of some rare macroalgae in south-central Spanish rivers (Castilla-La Mancha Region)
The Castilla-La Mancha Region (south-central Spain) is scarcely studied in terms of freshwater algae. However, both the implementation of the Water Framework Directive (2000/60/CE) and the evaluation of the ecological state of European aquatic ecosystems have increased the intensity and frequency of water body monitoring, including the rivers, lakes and wetlands of this region. Thus, our knowledge on algal biodiversity and the geographical distribution of many species is rapidly increasing. In this study we describe the occurrence, ecological conditions and morphological characteristics of five algal species which are rare at the European level: Nostochopsis lobata Wood ex Bornet & Flahault, Batrachospermum atrum (Hudson) Harvey, Chroothece richteriana Hansg., Oocardium stratum Nägeli and Tetrasporidium javanicum Möbius. In addition, we include Hydrurus foetidus (Vill.) Trev., a more common alga in Spain, since this is the first record for the region. Finally, we compare morphological and ecological characteristics of the studied populations with other European records.