International Journal of Social and Educational Innovation (Feb 2022)


  • Svitlana Vasilivna CHUPAKHINA,
  • Mariia Ivanivna OLIINYK

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 9, no. 18


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The article analyzes the features of preparing children with a spectrum of autistic disturbance for inclusive education. The organizational and pedagogical conditions of inclusive education of elementary schoolchildren with autism spectrum disorders are revealed. Scientific researches concerning development features of the identified category of children are considered. The article purpose is to theoretically substantiate the specifics of preparing a child with autistic disturbance for school and to experimentally test the readiness of parents of children with autism to actively participate in the educational process. There are proved the main approaches to methodological, systematic correctional and developmental work with such children in the direction of improving the relationships and communication skills. The main indicators of a child with autism readiness for inclusive education are determined and substantiated. Some diagnostic methods for assessing various areas of development of a child with autism are proposed for their successful inclusion in the educational space of the school. The study used variables that reflect the results on the survey of autistic disturbance children in Ivano-Frankivsk region and the very city (Ukraine) in 2021 and demonstrate the beginning of an age period of their inclusive education. It is grounded that the success of correctional and developmental work and inclusive education of this nosology group children depends on the attitude of parents and other adults who are included in the child's living space. A survey on the parents’ readiness of such children to actively interact with teachers was conducted. It was found that only 13.2% of parents actively cooperate with professionals and interact with other parents. It has been discovered that an inclusive form of education will be effective for children with autism spectrum, on condition that parents are actively involved in the educational process.
