Travessias (Aug 2018)

The aesthetic-pedagogical Project in the ontological and educational construction in chronical Despertar, by Cecília Meireles

  • Antônio Edson Sales da Silva,
  • Francisco Jeimes de Oliveira Paiva,
  • Maria Valdenia da Silva

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 12, no. 2
pp. 176 – 186


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This article is a critical analysis of Cecília Meireles chronicle "Despertar", initially published in the newspaper Diário de Notícias, Rio de Janeiro, on november 19, 1932, and more recently in the Chronicles of education (2001). A careful reading of the work of this writer makes us understand Cecília Meireles adherence to the ideas of the New School, which discussed the human meaning of the act of educating. Even after this context, it is still possible to observe the innumerable contributions of the writer's thought, not only literary but also educational, that reverberate in the teaching activities with the literary text in the classroom. We are based on studies by Bakhtin; Volochínov (2010); Cherry (2010); Fiorin (2002); Freire (1999, 2010); Marchini (2017); Silva (2008, 2015); Souza (2012, 2013), among others. The methodological approach is structured in the perspective of the historical-social ontology and the reading of the critical fortune of Cecilia Meireles, in the sense of apprehending the process of human education, listing in the chronicle Awakening, now under analysis, considering the thematic and significance marks that evidence the aesthetic and pedagogical project, built in the work of this writer, teacher and Brazilian poet. We conclude that by having a language, sometimes metaphorical or philosophical and, at the same time, poetic, Cecília Meireles enters the world of education and human formation to awaken the human being, taking him out of his deep sleep and awakening him in to life.
