Polilog: Studia Neofilologiczne (Sep 2011)
Gebrauchslyrik – sind das nur Texte zum täglichen Gebrauch?
“Gebrauchslyrik” – are this only poems for daily use? One consciously on daily criticism and daily effect reduced lyric poetry, as it were texts to the daily use, which are composed more or less coincidentally in verses, represent into the 1920er years a crucial turn in the self understanding of lyric poetry. Already Christian Morgenstern pursues in his verses “Galgenlieder” a grotesque play with the language in the service of the alienation. Joachim Ringelnatz shows the change and the undeterminable in all kinds of play, funny and full tristesse, cracking and tenderly, playful and shake-seri- ously, in addition, sentimental-romantically, lyric-cheerfully, bizarre-grotesque or to terribly violent. Kurt Tucholsky wrote poems of time usually in malicious-amusing form as appropriate as no different one. The poems of Erich Kästner appear as a desperate itself rearing up against a inescapable suction: “The time drives car. But no human can steer!”. The procedure as customs poet to provide the operating instruction at the same time Bertolt Brecht transposed in the “Hauspostille”. To be meant as everyday life companion, these poems of time proved as “useful”, communicative and mentally activating into our time.