Journal of Teaching and Learning (Feb 2018)

Socially Empowered Learning in the Classroom: Effects of Arts Integration and Social Enterprise in Schools

  • Brittany Harker Martin,
  • Ann Calvert

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 11, no. 2


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This paper tests a new theoretical framework for engaging students by evaluating two project-and-design-based pedagogies: Arts Integrated Collective Creation (AICC) and Educational Social Enterprise (ESE). Findings provide statistical support for benefits with middle school students when instruction is designed around Socially Empowered Learning (i.e., group-based, creative agency, real-world issues, and positive social impact). We advance the theory of Socially Empowered Learning (SEL) in identifying and finding empirical support for a novel instructional approach with strong effects and implications for the power of the arts to enhance cross-curricular learning.