Annals of the University of Oradea: Fascicle of Textiles, Leatherwork (May 2018)
Worldwide, recent years are characterized by an increasingly acute manifestation of the ecological phenomenon, seeking solutions for obtaining products that are based on natural components, as well as the safe use of products. In this respect, in the textile industry, the concept of eco – fashion has developed: manufacturers and designers increasingly using eco – friendly materials and technologies. Any approach to designing, evaluating or improving the quality of a product is based on establishing the technical dimensions of product functions and adopting the representative quality features that can best meet the demands of the beneficiaries. Achieving and continuously improving the ecological function of clothing products is presently a major requirement, being addressed in both research and production. This function is in a relationship of interdependence with the comfort functions (thermophysiological and sensorial), the ergonomic function, the safety in use and the availability function. The paper presents some key aspects of the ecological function of clothing products, its components, ways and solutions for implementation and product quality assurance, as well as the advantages offered by the creation and use of ecological products.