Bulletin de l'Institut Français d'Études Andines (Sep 2003)
Sepulturas intrusivas Salinar y Chimú en la Huaca Herederos Chica, valle de Moche, Perú
The Huaca Herederos Chica is a ceremonial Initial period and Early Horizon site within the Caballo Muerto area in the Moche Valley, Peru. Excavations by Claude Chauchat and Luis Watanabe in 1970 and 1972 yielded eight intrusive burials of the Salinar period and one of the Chimu period. The bodies in Salinar burials are extended, sometimes on one side, with the ceramic offerings being placed at their side or, more rarely, on the body itself. Large ceramic sherds and stone slabs were placed on the body and, as cover, on the ceramic vases. With one exception the ceramic offerings are cooking pots with minimal decoration and traces of use (soot). In the Chimu burial, the body was flexed and probably tied in a bundle.