Education Sciences (Jan 2023)

Developing Pre-Service Teachers’ Professionalism by Sharing and Receiving Experiences in the <i>Kampus Mengajar</i> Program

  • Suyatno Suyatno,
  • Wantini Wantini,
  • Dholina Inang Pambudi,
  • Muqowim Muqowim,
  • Agus Tinus,
  • Lilis Patimah

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 13, no. 2
p. 143


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The low quality of teachers in Indonesia indicates that its current professional development programs are yet to reach an ideal form. Therefore, this research aims to determine how the kampus mengajar (teaching campus) program can be used to improve the professionalism of pre-service teachers to bridge the gap between theory and practice. Open interview questions were used to collect data from eleven pre-service teachers, two supervisors, and two principals involved in the kampus mengajar program with 3 months of professional experience placements in elementary schools spread across Indonesia. The data collected were analyzed using the thematic data analysis technique. The results showed that although the kampus mengajar program experiences various challenges, it can be used by pre-service teachers to enhance their professionalism by sharing and receiving experiences. The kampus mengajar program offers real and authentic experiences for pre-service teachers in guiding students, performing various administrative tasks, and learning in the workplace; thus, they have a better understanding of school life realities.
