Case Reports in Obstetrics and Gynecology (Jan 2017)
Rare Epithelioid Leiomyoma of the Vagina Exhibiting a Pelvic Mass
Epithelioid leiomyoma of the vagina is extremely rare. Smooth muscle tumors of the vagina usually present with a submucosal growth pattern or a pedunculated growth pattern from the anterior vaginal wall into the vaginal cavity. Here we report a case of a 43-year-old woman with a solid epithelioid leiomyoma and a palpable mass in the pouch of Douglas. Transvaginal biopsy and angiography showed the epithelioid leiomyoma feeding from the vaginal artery behind the posterior vagina. An abdominal wide excision of the tumor with a partial vaginectomy was performed. Our use of ultrasound-guided needle biopsy and angiography was useful for preoperative diagnosis of a vaginal epithelioid leiomyoma exhibiting a pelvic mass.