Physical Therapy Korea (Aug 2022)
Immediate Effect of Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation on Balance and Proprioception During One-leg Standing
ackground: Neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) is a physical modality used to activate skeletal muscles for strengthening. While voluntary muscle contraction (VMC) follows the progressive recruitment of motor units in order of size from small to large, NMES-induced muscle contraction occurs in a nonselective and synchronous pattern. Therefore, the outcome of muscle strengthening training using NMES-induced versus voluntary contraction might be different, which might affect balance performance.Objects: We examined how the NMES training affected balance and proprioception.Methods: Forty-four young adults were randomly assigned to NMES and VMC group. All participants performed one-leg standing on a force plate and sat on the Biodex (Biodex R Corp.) to measure balance and ankle proprioception, respectively. All measures were conduct-ed before and after a training session. In NMES group, electric pads were placed on the tibialis anterior, gastrocnemius, and soleus muscles for 20 minutes. In VMC group, co-contraction of the three muscles was conducted. Outcome variables included mean distance, root mean square distance, total excursion, mean velocity, 95% confidence circle area acquired from the center of pressure data, and absolute error of dorsi/plantarflexion.Results: None of outcome variables were associated with group (p > 0.35). However, all but plantarflexion error was associated with time (p < 0.02), and the area and mean velocity were 37.0% and 18.6% lower in post than pre in NMES group, respectively, and 48.9% and 16.7% lower in post than pre in VMC group, respectively.Conclusion: Despite different physiology underlying the NMES-induced versus VMC, both training methods improved balance and ankle joint proprioception.