Scientific Reports (Dec 2024)
Interpolation methods for spatial distribution of groundwater mapping electrical conductivity
Abstract This study was carried out to develop a conceptual framework for determining the best interpolation method which mainly is employed to calculate the variability maps of electrical conductivity (EC) in neighboring regions. The considered case study is parts of the Khorasan Razavi province, Iran (including five aquifers Kashmar, Fariman, Doruneh, Sarakhs and Joveyn). In the first step, the empirical variogram (semi-variogram) was computed for the study area. The methods of the variability of a variable with spatial or temporal distance were considered to measure the semi-variogram function. In the next step, the best variogram model (e.g. spherical, exponential or Gaussian) was considered in the Geographic Information System (GIS) environment and f for the Environmental Sciences (GS+) software. By plotting the semi-variogram in GS+ program based on different method as Global Polynomial Interpolation (GPI), Inverse distance weighing (IDW), Radial basis function (RBF), Kriging method, Global Polynomial Interpolation (GPI), Local Polynomial Interpolation (LPI), the best variogram model fitted to spatial structure of the EC. Finally, by considering the acceptable range for different parameters which impact on EC and evaluating their impacts by scaling, the best interpolation method has been selected for that area for employing their neighborhood basin. Result indicated that the precipitation located within the range of 140 to 180 mm, RBI has the priority. This process is continued for all 14 parameters and eventually one method gets the most points.