臺灣教育社會學研究 (Jun 2016)
分散式領導與民主學習社群之建構:社區大學創新計畫的行動研究 Distributed Leadership and the Construction of a Democratic Learning Community: An Action Research Project on an Innovative Program in a Community University
在日趨市場化和強調績效責信的新管理主義政策調控,具有社會理想的辦學團體,從既有辦學模式中,朝向形構融入入民主價值之組織作為,繫於教育現場工作者推動學習民主之明顯企圖。 本研究以行動研究,採歷史文化及社會建構觀點的活動理論觀點,以社區大學校園內實務工作者及計畫人員為社群及活動系統界線,捕捉教育工作者如何投身在其教育工作系統的衝突之間,從嘗試解決、衍生與化解衝突的歷程中,拓展其自身的工作疆界也轉化工作認同。由於活動是實踐社群成員協力,融合分散式領導的互惠式影響活動理論架構,參與者在投身過程中經歷價值澄清、增能和轉化,已展現在學習、思辨和參與的深度和廣度,並隱現從表達民主到發展深度民主的專業發展途徑。 Schools that advocate democratic values need to work on their school organization to resist privatization of education, to embody the spirit of democracy in their structures and processes and to offer democratic learning courses. The author worked as an action researcher investigating the nurturing of professional development among adult education practitioners. Grafted from the historical context and development stage of the process of action research, the initiative and intervention focused on redefining the activity system of the researchers (including the project manager) and the staff team of a community universities, from a distributed leadership perspective to one centered on a democratic core. It was hoped to propose an alternative paradigm of school leadership that would provide new opportunities to create democratic structures and processes and democratic courses. This action research scaffolded a systemic approach to organizational learning at individual, organizational and inter-organizational levels. Based on these efforts, a structured professional development pathway for “change makers” emerged.