Recherches Sociologiques et Anthropologiques (Aug 2018)
Penser la sphère publique 2.0 depuis la confrontation de vidéos mises en scène par des citoyens musulmans ordinaires autour des “Happy British Muslims”
This article questions the ways in which ordinary muslims present themselves on the Internet 2.0 based on confrontational videos produced within the auspices of the “Happy British Muslims” clip posted on YouTube in 2014 and beyond. That “event”, where various postures interact, was above all envisaged based on an analysis of the stagings, formattings and sense-giving in the nine videos considered. Studying these productions and their reciprocal relations, in what they reveal publicly and from a diachronic viewpoint, allows us to objectify the extent and nature of the issues within British muslim communities, particularly the power struggles and ongoing transformations. These last two refer to modalities of hybridisations between muslims, between muslims and British society (where the construction of imaginaries and music play a predominant role), but also to those relating to the advent of a muslim public stage nourishing the public sphere while at the same time being affected by its participation in it.