LingVaria (Nov 2024)
Wybrane problemy opisu neologizmów środowiskowych w słowniku Obserwatorium Językowego Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
SELECTED PROBLEMS OF DESCRIBING SOCIOLECTAL NEOLOGISMS IN THE DICTIONARY CREATED BY THE LANGUAGE OBSERVATORY AT THE WARSAW UNIVERSITY The article is devoted to some questions connected with lexicographic description of new sociolectal words. The selection of effective methods for this description is discussed by Obserwatorium Językowe UW (Language Observatory at the Warsaw University; Polish abbreviation: OJ UW), creating a dictionary of Polish neologisms ( The author of the article presents the solutions developed by the OJ UW and considers such aspects as various possibilities of interpreting sociolectisms or the problem of relative neologisms. The focus is not only on the vocabulary of traditionally understood sociolects, but also on the lexis used within communities of interest.