Российский паразитологический журнал (Dec 2016)
Objective of research: to study the mechanisms of induced tomato plant resistance to rootknot nematode Meloidogyne incognita and potato to cyst nematode Globodera rostochiensis.Materials and methods: The biogenic elicitors — chitosan and signal molecules — SA, JA for the modulation of immune plant responses were used. In experiment 1, tubers of potato cultivars Istrinskii (PCN-susceptibility) and Krinitsa (PCN-resistant), were treated with aqueous solutions of the immunomodulators at the specified concentrations. A low molecular weight soluble chitosan and acetylation degree of 15% and signal molecule — SA was used as an elicitor. In experiment 2, system tomato M. incognia was studied. Water solutions of chitosan, signal molecules: SA, JA were used for treatment of tomato seeds for 2 h and then the seeds were planted in sterile soil. The control plants were treated with water. Cultivation of plants was carried out by the standard technique. Plants were maintained in a greenhouse long enough for the nematodes to complete their life cycle. Development of nematodes in the processed plants estimated on morphophysiological and population characteristics. Biochemical indicators of roots and leaves of tomatoes estimated for 14 days after infection of plants. Previously identified major biochemical indicators of the plants in the genome that contain genes that determine the resistance of plants. The effects of biogenic elicitors on plant resistance were also evaluated by some metabolic changes related to natural plant resistance to tomato and potato to plant nematodes. These indicators were studied in clarifying mechanisms of induced resistance.Results and discussion: Biogenic elicitors induce systemic resistance of plants to plant parasitic nematodes — Meloidogyne incognita and Globodera rostochiensis (decrease in the parasitic invasion of the roots; an inhibition of the vital activity of the parasite; a decrease in fertility and the amount of agents sources (larvae and eggs) capable of infecting the plants). The addition of signal molecules (salicylic and jasmonic acid) to elicitors increased their activity as immunomodulators. In present investigation, the mechanisms of induced plant resistance nematode were studied. The data obtained suggest that the mechanisms natural and induced by biogenic elicitors tomato resistance to the nematode have the same origin. These features meet all requirements of the new generation of methods of plant protection and the use of biogenic elicitors to raise plant resistance to parasitic nematodes may be promising.