ESPOCH Congresses (Aug 2021)
Hexavalent Chromium in Waters for Human Consumption and Irrigation en the Guano Canton
Abstract Introduction: Considering the geographical location and industrial activities of the county Guano, which lies on an aquifer that supply water for both consumption and crop irrigation, it is necessary to examine the levels of chromium (Cr) in its watershed and tributaries. Objective: To evaluate the amount of Cr existing in the surface waters of the Guano river basin and aquifer. Methods: Several samples of the river and aquifer were taken and the amount of Cr present was measured. Using Z-test, Cr levels found in the water were compared with those recommended as normal by the World Health Organization (WHO), national standards of the Texto Unificado de Legislación Secundaria de Medio Ambiente (TULSMA) and the Servicio Ecuatoriano de Normalización 1108 (INEN 1108). Results: Relatively high Cr values were found when compared with those established by the WHO. However, they were normal when compared with TULSMA and INEN 1108. Conclusion: The levels of Cr found in the Guano river and the aquifer were higher than those recommended by the WHO. It is recommended to replicate our findings in order to corroborate the results and to take appropriate measures in order to reduce water contamination.