Acta Scientiarum: Biological Sciences (Oct 2006)

Estudo comparativo da dieta, hábitos alimentares e morfologia trófica de duas espécies simpátricas, de peixes de pequeno porte, associados à macrófitas aquáticas = Comparative study about diet, feeding habits and trophic morphology of two sympatric species of small fishes in association with aquatic macrophytes

  • Norma Segatti Hahn,
  • Valdirene Esgarbosa Loureiro-Crippa

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 28, no. 4
pp. 359 – 364


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Nesse estudo foram avaliados aspectos da dieta e morfologia trófica de duas espécies simpátricas, uma de Cheirodontinae e uma de Aphyocharacinae, associadas a macrofitas aquáticas, em nove lagoas isoladas da planície de inundação do alto rio Paraná, Brasil, no ano de 2001. A análise da dieta mostrou que Aphyocharax anisitsi consumiupredominantemente microcrustáceos e Serrapinnus notomelas predominantemente algas. A morfologia do trato alimentar, incluindo boca, dentes, rastros branquiais e estômago, apresentou, aparentemente, o mesmo padrão para as duas espécies. Entretanto, os dentes são mais robustos em S. notomelas. Houve interação significativa entre o comprimento padrão (F2,215 = 74,89; pIn this study we analyzed the diet and trophic morphology of two species, one of Cheirodontinae and one of Aphyocharacinae, associated with aquatic macrophytes in nine isolated lagoons of the Paraná river floodplain, Brazil, during 2001. Diet showed that Aphyocharax anisitsi feed mainly on microcrustaceans and Serrapinnus notomelas feed mainly on algae. Trophic morphology, including mouth, tooth, gill rakers and stomach showed apparently the same pattern for the two species. However, teeth are the biggest and the hardest in S. notomelas. Regarding intestine length there was significant interaction between standard length (F2.215 = 74.89; p<0.0001) and the species (F1.215 = 4.72; p<0.0001). Higher mean of intestine length was verified in S. notomelas and a smaller mean in A. anisitsi. Based on dates of diet and morphology, it is possible to conclude that there are trophic segregation between the two species. Thus, the co-existence of these species is possible in function ofthe wide food supply given by aquatic macrophytes.
