Ankara Medical Journal (Dec 2020)
Awareness of Patients About The Physicians' Rights, The Effect Of Illness Perception And Personal Types On The Physicians' Rights
INTRODUCTION: Patient and physician's rights are elements that need to be handled together. In the literature, there are mostly research articles on patient rights. Only prioritizing patient rights and ignoring the rights of physicians brings up communication problems. In our study, we investigated the knowledge levels and attitudes of patients about physician rights. METHODS: The researchers prepared a questionnaire for the patients. The questionnaire included the "Fried and Rosenman's Personality Inventory" to determine the participants' sociodemographic characteristics and personality traits and the Brief Illness Perception Questionnaire (IPQ-B) to determine the disease perception of the patients. Also, the Likert type scale was used to measure patients' knowledge and attitude levels about physician rights. The researchers calculated the information and attitude sections of the patients' answers over 100 points. RESULTS: The patients' knowledge about physician rights was found to be 60.65 +- 8.53 (37-84 points) over 100 points. The patients' attitude scores towards physician behavior during the examination were 41.31 +- 6.67 (24-61 points). The knowledge level scores of the patients with higher education levels about patient rights were also higher. In our study, the statement "informing about the patient's disease" (91.70%) was the most well-known statements. The lowest scores were determined as "the right of the attending physician to abandon the patient's treatment under certain conditions." Almost half of the patients marked the option 'I am indecisive about physician behavior'. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: Raising awareness of physician rights in patients and accepting mutual rights in the patient-physician relationship can reduce communication problems.