Revista de Ciencias Médicas de Pinar del Río (Dec 2011)
Algunos aspectos clínico epidemiológicos en pacientes con infarto agudo del miocardio Some epidemiological aspects in patients suffering from myocardial infarction
Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo, transversal, para describir los aspectos clínico epidemiológicos de los pacientes con infarto miocárdico, atendidos en el área de terapia intensiva municipal, municipio Sandino, de julio 2008 a julio 2011. El universo fueron los 45 pacientes atendidos con este diagnóstico, la muestra fue de 30 pacientes. De las historias clínicas se tomaron la edad, género, hábitos tóxicos, presencia de hipertensión arterial, diabetes mellitus, antecedentes familiares de coronariopatías, procedencia, complicaciones y terapia trombolítica. El grupo más afectado fue el de 60- 69 años correspondiendo con el 46,7% del total. El 90% tenía más de 45 años de edad. El 70,0% procedía de zonas urbanas (Z=2,39; p=8,41E-0,3). La totalidad de los pacientes tenía algún hábito tóxico y algún factor de riesgo explorado (X²= 40,841; pA descriptive, retrospective, cross-sectional study was conducted to describe clinical-epidemiological aspects of patients suffering from myocardial infarction at Municipal Intensive Care Area in Sandino municipality, July 2008-2011. The target group was comprised of 45 patients that were previously diagnosed and the sample included 30 patients. Age, gender, addictive habits, the presence of hypertension, diabetes mellitus, along with familial records of coronary artery disease, origin, complications and thrombolytic therapy were the variables collected from the clinical charts. Ages from 60 to 69 were the most affected (46,7% of the total). The 90% of patients were older than 45 years old, most of them from urban zones 70,0% (Z=2,39; p=8,41E-0,3). The totality of patients had addictive habits and some of the risk factors explored (X2= 40,841; p<0, 01). The 76,66% smoked and 90% were hypertensive; 53,3% of the sample underwent streptokinase treatment. As complications for myocardial infarction 43,35% suffered from coronary artery disease (*Z=3,06; p=1,1E-04), both angina and arrhythmias were detected in 10 % of patients. Patients from 60 to 69 and from urban zones prevailed. A high proportion of patients with addictive habits (mainly tobacco smoking) was observed. Most of patients were hypertensive and presented some of the explored risk factors. The numbers of thrombolysis were higher than those described in the medical literature, but could be greater in the municipality. Heart failure was the most frequent complication. Few complications were reported, which stands out the function of the Municipal Intensive Care Areas.