Agricultural Economics (AGRICECON) (Dec 2003)
Development of regional unemployment characteristics in the Czech Republic
The paper deals with statistical analysis of the registered regional unemployment rate in regions and districts of the Czech Republic from 1998 to 2002. Regional unemployment reaches significantly different levels; moreover, within the examined period, differences were increasing: variance between the minimum and the maximum increased approx. from 12% to 20% in the respective districts. By means of cluster analysis, regions are divided into more homogenous groups according to the registered unemployment rate by 31 December 2002. The following districts may be identified as the best ones: Praha-západ (Prague-West), Praha-východ (Prague-East), Praha (Prague) and Benešov; the following as the worst ones: Most and Karviná. Concerning regions, the lowest unemployment level may be identified in Praha (Prague); on the contrary, the highest levels were reached in Ústecký region and Moravskoslezský region. Variability, skewness and peak characteristics were calculated to evaluate the development of regional unemployment distribution. The average rose from 5.63% to 9.94%, the standard deviation rose from 2.53% to 4.15%, the variation coefficient stayed around 0.4. Thus, together with the increase in unemployment level, the absolute variability rose while the relative variability stayed approx. constant. The rate distribution was left-sided and increasing; the peak was only slightly higher than the standard peak. The development trend of the characteristics was evaluated by means of linear functions and higher order polynomials; their seasonal variation is described by seasonal indices differing in the degree of their seasonality and distribution in the course of a year. A correlation matrix demonstrates the relations between the trend of the characteristics and their seasonal indices.