تحقیقات جنگل و صنوبر ایران (Jun 2011)
Prediction model of tree felling by chainsaw in selection system (Case study: Namkhaneh District, Kheiroud forest)
Regarding to special situation of northern forests in Iran, chainsaw is a unique cutoff. Nevertheless, study to evaluat operation efficiency is imperative. Present study was carried out with the aim of time study of cutting operation, estimating the productivity and costs of chainsaw, and developing a regression model. According to the results of this study, the hourly production of cutting by chainsaw with and without delay time were 51.6 m3/h (9.6 trees/h) and 86.2 m3/h (16 trees/h), respectively. Cutting productivity was increased related to DBH as power model and on the other hand the unit cost was decreased. Total cutting cycle time with and without delay time were averaged 6.24 and 3.74 minutes, respectively.