Autopsy and Case Reports (Oct 2019)

Neurofibrosarcoma of the mandible derived from neurofibromatosis

  • Juliane Pirágine Araujo,
  • Jefferson Xavier de Oliveira,
  • Viviana Lanel,
  • Marcelo Marcucci

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 9, no. 4


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Neurofibrosarcoma is a rare malignant neoplasm of the head and neck region and accounts for 8% to 16% of all cases. Its origin is varied and may stem from cells of the peripheral nerves, develop de novo, or result from malignant transformation of preexisting neurofibromas. Because the features of neurofibrosarcomas are heterogeneous, the data retrieved during clinical examinations are of great aid for diagnosis. In this case, owing to clinical features and the fact that the patient had neurofibromatosis type 1, the hypothesis of neurofibrosarcoma was promptly established. The final diagnosis was confirmed by associating clinical, imaging, and pathological data. After the treatment, the patient has been followed up for 10 years, with no evidence of recurrence.
