Ikufīziyuluzhī-i Giyāhān-i Zirā̒ī (Jun 2021)

The Effect of Biochar and Humic Acid Rates on some Phophysiological Characteristics and Grain Yield SC704 Corn (Zea mays L.) Hybrid Under Water Deficit stress

  • Armaghan Charkhab,
  • Many Mojaddam,
  • Shahram Lack,
  • Tayyeb Sakinejad,
  • Mohammad Reza Dadnia

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 15, no. 2 (58) تابستان
pp. 171 – 192


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To evaluate the effect of different rates of biochar and humic acid applications on physiological characteristics and grain yield of single cross 704 hybrid corn under water deficit stress, a split split plot experiment based on a randomized complete block design with three replications, was conducted during two years (2017-19) at Ahvaz. The main plot devoted to water deficit stress, with three levels irrigation (after depleting 30, 40, and 50% of field capacity as optimum irrigation, moderate stress, and severe stress, respectively) and sub-plot to biochar with 2 levels, non-application of biochar (control) and application of 4 tons per hectare of biochar, and the sub-sub plots to humic acid with 4 levels non-application of humic acid (control), and application of 2, 4, and 6 liters per hectare of humic acid. The results showed that the interaction effect of water shortage by biochar stress and water shortage by humic acid stress on grain yield, 1000-grain weight, number of grains per ear, superoxide dismutase, chlorophyll index and catalase were significant at 1% probability level. Under severe stress conditions grain yield (36.54%), number of grain per ear (36%) and leaf area index (30.36%) decreased and activity of superoxide dismutase (37.7%) increased. Acidic acid had a significant effect on all traits under study. The highest grain yield (8995.18 kg.ha-1) was related to irrigation treatment after 40% depletion of field capacity and application of 4 tons per hectare of biochar. Based the results obtained application of 4 liters per hectare of humic acid under moderate moisture stress conditions, could be recommended in arid and semi-arid conditions to save water consumption and reduce the effects of water deficit stress.
