Rocznik Filozoficzny Ignatianum (Jul 2017)
The social thought of Jesuits of the Galician Province between 1884 and 1918, as presented in “Przeglad Powszechny”
“Przeglad Powszechny” first appeared in 1884, when the Jesuits in Krakow agreed to take over “Przeglad Lwowski” from Fr. Edward Podolski, who had been its editor. At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, the editors-in-chief of the “Przeglad” were Marian Ignacy Morawski SJ, Jan Pawelski SJ, Jan Urban SJ and Jan Rostworowski SJ. Thanks to their efforts and extensive prior editorial experience, “Przeglad” stood for a high level of quality, and was one of the most highly valued social and cultural journals devoted to religious, philosophical, ethical, cultural, historical and political issues. The overriding aims set out by the editors of the review were the dissemination of properly Catholic principles of conduct and obedience to the Church. The article will present the social thought of the Jesuits as they appeared in “Przeglad Powszechny” from the time of its inception until the recovery of Poland’s independence.