Revista Brasileira de Futsal e Futebol (Aug 2020)

Computer version of the Russian team matches at the World Cup Russia 2018

  • Andrey Anatolievich Polozov,
  • Sergey Skorovich

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 11, no. 46
pp. 691 – 701


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The game consists of a sequence of game oppositions (game components) and the realization of the moment. The total number of components in the futsal is> 50. The assessment is not focused on the oppositions, but on their value for the result. The difference in the score of the game is obtained from these indicators for the players in each component of the game. The level of the player in the game component decreases in proportion to the number of oppositions. The location of the players is chosen so that the total number of oppositions won by the team is maximum. For each minute of the match, the most effective combinations in the attack are determined. They consist of martial arts with the greatest advantage of the players of their team. There are several services (SciSports, Stats) where the neural network reproduces the solutions of a good trainer. The PIRS model solves the problem of successful performance of a top-level team as a mathematical one. The result of the work is the expected maximum possible score of the game which must be on the scoreboard when the players fulfill all the conditions. Existing Instat, Basket-stats, ICEBERG, LONGO Match PRO, FUTSALSTAT, etc. form the headache of a trainer from the statistics of past games. PIRS technology provides already calculated solutions for the best result of the upcoming match. The trainer will not be able to compete with PIRS, since the information pool called futsal is too large for one person. Therefore, the resource of the game in matches of different levels is used only by two thirds. Provided 50% of the recommendations are fulfilled, the team will receive 20 - 30% of the points collected additionally. An example of the work is given at the match of Russia and Kazakhstan on the European Championship in 2018. The results of the study were presented to the coach of the team one month before the start of the tournament.
