Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English ed. Online) (Aug 2019)
Review and evaluation of cold recycling with bitumen emulsion and cement for rehabilitation of old pavements
The article presents Polish experience with cold recycling of asphalt pavements with the usage of bituminous emulsion and cement. In the 1990s numerous roads in Poland required immediate reinforcement due to their significant degradation. Implementation of the cold recycling technology was one of the solutions to this problem. Cold recycled mixtures contain – beside the recycled asphalt pavement and aggregate – two different types of binding agents: bituminous emulsion and Portland cement. First Polish requirements were developed in the 1990s and were based on the Marshall test. After several years of application of these requirements, numerous transverse cracks appeared on the pavements. Field investigation showed that the frequency of transverse cracking was not uniform on all evaluated sections and that the growth rate of the number of cracks was decreasing. The main reason of extensive cracking was the overly high amount of the Portland cement and insufficient amount of the bituminous emulsion. This led to production of very stiff mixtures, with dominance of hydraulic bonds, which behaved similarly to cement-treated mixtures. The idea of flexible cold recycled base course was not utilized. This experience motivated the Polish Road Administration to develop new requirements. Second part of the article presents the new requirements for cold recycling. New test methods as well as requirements concerning resistance to frost and water action were introduced in 2013. Implementing of the new requirements resulted in significant reduction in stiffness of the MCE mixtures. Values of stiffness modulus are even three times lower, which should significantly decrease the amount of potential reflective cracks on the pavement surface. Presently two types of technology of cold recycling are used in Poland, in-place and in-plant.Experience with the MCE mixtures made it possible to introduce this technology in the new Polish Catalog of Typical Flexible and Semi-Rigid Pavement Structures in 2014. Keywords: Cold recycling, Mineral-cement-emulsion mixtures (MCE), Reflecting cracks, Stiffness modulus, Road reconstruction, Fatigue life of pavement structures