Ciência Florestal (Jan 2004)
Caracterização florística e fitossociológica de um trecho sazonalmente inundável de floresta aluvial, em Araucária, PR
The shrub-arboreal component of a floodplain forest, located in the alluvial plain of the Barigui River in Araucaria-PR was studied. The researched area was limited to places of same soil type (Glei soil) and the level of the water table was measured in a central point of the 20 plots of 100 m2, correlating this physiographic feature with the obtained phytosociologic parameters. The individuals with minimal perimeter of breast height (PBH) of 15 cm were valued, resulting in 29 species found. The most important was Sebastiania commersoniana (Baillon) L.B. Smith and R.J. Downs (branquilho), followed by Allophylus edulis (A.St.-Hil., Cambess. e A.-Juss.) Radlk. (vacum). The small sise of the individuals, the large number of individuals with multiple boles and the expressive importance of dead trees were atributed to enviromental stress. Less flooded places provided better diametric development and only at the micro-topographic elevations most species of lower phytosociologic values were established.