The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences (Aug 2022)
NoiseCapture is an Android application developed by the Gustave Eiffel University and the French National Centre for Scientific Research as central element of a participatory approach to environmental noise mapping. The application is open-source, and all its data are available freely. This study presents the results of the first exploratory analysis of 3 years of data collection through the lens of sound sources. This analysis is only based on the tags given by the users and not on the sound spectrum of the measurement, which will be studied at a later stage. The first results are encouraging, we were able to observe well known temporal sound source dynamics like road sounds temporal dynamic related to commuting or bird songs in the dataset. We also found correlations between wind and rain tags and their measurements by the the national meteorological service. The context of the study, the Free and Open Source Software tools and techniques used and literate programming benefits are presented.