پژوهش‌های سلامت‌محور (Sep 2019)

Challenges of Nutrition Department in a Selected Teaching Hospital: a qualitative study

  • Narges Heidari,
  • Mehrangiz Yazdanpanah,
  • Mahmood Nekoui Moghadam,
  • Mohamadreza Amiresmaili,
  • ,
  • Majid Heidari jamebozorgi

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 5, no. 2
pp. 203 – 214


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Challenges of Nutrition Department in a Selected Teaching Hospital: a qualitative study Heidari Narges1*, Yazdanpanah Mehrangiz1, Nekoui Moghadam Mahmood2, Amiresmaili Mohamadreza2, Heidari Azam3, Heidari jamebozorgi Majid4 1. MSc in Healthcare Management, Department of Health Management, Policy and Economics, Kerman University of Medical Sciences, Kerman, Iran 2. Professor, Department of Health Management, Policy and Economics, Kerman University of Medical Sciences, Kerman, Iran 3. MSc in in Healthcare Management, Department of Health Management, Policy and Economics, Kerman University of Medical Sciences, Kerman, Iran 4. PhD in Healthcare Management, Department of Public Health, Sirjan Faculty of Medical Sciences, Sirjan, Iran * Corresponding Author: Narges Heidari Address: Faculty of Management and Medical Information Science, Kerman University of Medical Sciences, Haft Bagh Alavi Blvd., Kerman, Iran Tel: 00983431325147 Email: [email protected] Abstract: Background & Objectives: Department of Nutrition is one of the most important parts of a hospital that has a significant role in patient's satisfaction. Managers' attention to the quality of nutrition services reduces hospital costs. This study was conducted to identify the challenges of the nutrition department of a selected teaching hospital. Methods: The present study was a qualitative study done with phenomenological approach in 2018. Purposeful sampling and snowball sampling were used. Data collection was done through semi-structured interview. Participants were 25 individuals involved in the nutrition department of the selected teaching hospital in Kerman. Finally, data analysis was done using framework analysis. Results: The identified challenges were classified into 7 main codes and 21 sub-codes. Main codes were the contracts and tenders, staff supervision, financing, operational line monitoring, human resources, quality of food and physical space. Conclusion: Paying attention to the hospitals’ nutrition departments is one of the main factors in patients' recovery and an inseparable part of the treatment process. Therefore, hospital managers and policymakers should pay particular attention to this part and to improve the nutrition department status of the hospitals through reviewing and modifying contracts and tenders, staff supervision, financing, queue monitoring and providing sufficient human resources, high quality food and required physical space. Key­words: Nutrition department, Line and staff, Quality, Teaching Hospital ­Citation: Heidari N, Yazdanpanah M, Nekoui Moghadam M, Amiresmaili M, Heidari A, Heidari jamebozorgi M. Challenges of Nutrition Department in a Selected Teaching Hospital: a qualitative study. Journal of Health Based Research 2019; 5(2): 203-14. [In Persian]
