European Journal of Case Reports in Internal Medicine (Sep 2022)

Troponemia Secondary to Air Duster Inhalant Abuse

  • Jesus Romero,
  • Rachel Abboud,
  • Sherif Elkattawy,
  • Ana Romero,
  • Omar Elkattawy,
  • Abdel Azez Abu Samak,
  • Razan Shamoon



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The abuse of inhalants has become a public health concern in the USA over the past decade. Compressed air duster cans currently available in the USA contain highly toxic substances including different hydrofluorocarbons (including tetrafluoroethane and difluoroethane) which exert a psychoactive effect on the central nervous system. Several cases of inhalant-induced lethal arrhythmia such as ventricular fibrillation evolving to torsade de pointes and leading to cardiac arrest, have been reported in the literature. Furthermore, multiorgan failure including liver and kidney injury has been described after inhalant abuse. We report the case of a 33-year-old man found diaphoretic and with a near syncopal episode after inhalation of several cans of Surf Onn electronic duster gas cleaner, who subsequently developed acute cardiac, liver and kidney injury.
