Revue Italienne d'Etudes Françaises (Nov 2021)

Condoléances numériques : la mort de l’ancien président de la République Jacques Chirac dans le compte Twitter du journal Le Monde

  • Silvia Modena

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 11


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The death of the former President of the French Republic, Jacques Chirac, occurred on 26 September 2019. The newspaper Le Monde, as part of its multi-platform offering, published the following digital obituary on its Twitter account: "Jacques Chirac est mort". We have analysed the 246 reactions that the newspaper’s internet users expressed on the day of the former President’s death. These 246 tweets have a very heterogeneous discursive nature, which reminds us of the plurality of commitments of the messages written in the registers of condolences in paper version. The reactions under review here are mostly laudatory, but certain reactions, through their digital nature, mobilise inter-discursive references and conversational interactions critical of the image of former President Chirac.
