Profetik (Sep 2020)


  • Wayan Weda Dewi,
  • Dian Tamitiadini,
  • Ika Rizki Yustisia

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 13, no. 1
pp. 138 – 154


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Abstract. Studies of environmental issues in Indonesia are still minim. Eventhough, Indonesia has many serious problem related to environmental issue. One of them is listed as the second largest constibutor of plastic waste in Asia. Piles of plastic waste cause various problems such as sea water pollution and decreased quality of human life. In order to reduce the negative impact of this plastic waste pile, of course good synergy between various parties including the Government, the community and business actors is needed. Bali is one of the province that commited to reducing the consumption of disposable plastics by implementing a pro-environment policy related to limiting the consumption of plastic bags. Using descriptive qualitative method, this research focusing on indetifying stages of social change using the concept of stages approach to the strategy of reducing plastic consumption, especially in Bali Province. This research is directed at literacy efforts in the community and business actors regarding the impact of the use of disposable plastics (PSP) as well as social intervention efforts through the preparation of pro-environment campaign models in reducing plastic consumption. In addition, the focus of the research also wants to see the extent to which stages of change have been achieved on the part of consumers and businesses in Bali. This model can be used as a basis for the Bali provincial government in formulating policies related to the use of plastics which are harmful to the environment. Abstrak. Kajian mengenai isu lingkungan dalam perspektif komunikasi lingkungan masih minim di Indonesia. Padahal Indonesia memiliki sejumlah permasalahan serius terkait isu lingkungan, salah satunya tercatat sebagai negara ke-dua terbesar penyumbang limbah plastik di level Asia. Timbunan sampah plastik menimbulkan berbagai permasalahan seperti pencemaran air laut dan menurunnya kualitas hidup manusia. Guna mengurangi dampak negatif timbunan sampah plastik ini tentunya diperlukan sinergi yang baik antar berbagai pihak di antaranya Pemerintah, masyarakat, dan juga pelaku usaha. Provinsi Bali menjadi salah satu provinsi yang berkomitmen terhadap pengurangan konsumsi plastik sekali pakai dengan jalan menerapkan kebijakan pro lingkungan terkait pembatasan konsumsi kantong plastik bagi pelaku usaha. Menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif deskriptif, penelitian ini berfokus pada identifikasi tahapan perubahan sosial menggunakan pendekatan konsep stages of change dalam strategi pengurangan konsumsi plastik khususnya di Provinsi Bali. Penelitian ini diarahkan pada upaya literasi pada masyarakat dan pelaku usaha mengenai dampak penggunaan plastik sekali pakai (PSP) serta upaya intervensi sosial melalui penyusunan model kampanye pro lingkungan dalam mengurangi konsumsi plastik. Selain itu, fokus penelitian juga ingin melihat sejauh mana tahapan perubahan perilaku (stages of change) telah dicapai di sisi konsumen dan pelaku usaha di Bali. Model ini dapat dijadikan landasan bagi pemerintah Provinsi Bali dalam menyusun kebijakan terkait penggunaan plastik yang berbahaya bagi lingkungan.
