Aquichan (Mar 2020)
Effect of a Stoma Nursing Care Program on the Adjustment of Patients with an Ostomy
Efecto de un programa de atención de enfermería en estomaterapia en la adaptación de la persona a la ostomía de eliminación Efeito de um programa de enfermagem em estomaterapia na adaptação da pessoa ao estoma de eliminação Objective: To evaluate the effect of a stoma nursing care program on the personal adjustment to an ostomy. Materials and methods: A quasi-experimental study with a control group. The sample of 105 patients with stoma was divided into two groups (intervention group and control group), with assessments in the first and sixth month after hospital discharge. Information was collected using the Elimination Ostomy Adjustment Scale. Student’s t-tests analysis were performed. Results: One month after hospital discharge, the adjustment to the stoma was satisfactory and similar (p > 0.05) in both groups, and in the sixth month, statistically more favorable in the intervention group (p < 0.001); a statistically significant difference between the two assessments (p < 0.001) is found in the intervention group only. Conclusions: The intervention program has a positive influence on the adjustment to the stoma, and its contribution is significant six months after hospital discharge. Systematic interventions of an ostomy care specialized nurse have shown positive effects on ostomy adjustment, which is recommended since the preoperative period. Para citar este artículo / To reference this article / Para citar este artigo Fernandes CP, Brito CS. Effect of a Stoma Nursing Care Program on the Adjustment of Patients with an Ostomy. Aquichan. 2020;20(1):e2014. DOI: Recibido: 08/11/2020 Aceptado: 18/02/2020 Publicado: 30/03/2020