Atmospheric Science Letters (May 2023)
Spatiotemporal characteristics of precipitation extremes based on reanalysis precipitation data during 1950–2020 over the Ganjiang River Basin and its surroundings, China
Abstract Accurate knowledge on spatiotemporal characteristics of historical precipitation extremes could provide great potential guidance for preventing hydrological‐related disasters caused by precipitation extremes in the future. On the basis of the fifth generation of atmospheric reanalysis precipitation data by the European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts (ERA5, 0.25°, 1 hourly, 1950–2020) with high spatiotemporal resolutions, continuity and quality, this study analyzed the spatiotemporal characteristics of precipitation extremes over the Ganjiang River Basin and its surroundings during 1950–2020. The main conclusions include, but are not limited to, the following: (1) In general, precipitation extremes present increasing trends over most areas of the basin and its surroundings. For instance, areas showing upward trends of R10, SDII and PRCPTOT account for ~93.45%, ~66.36%, and ~88.18%, respectively. (2) The spatiotemporal variations of precipitation extremes over the Ganjiang River Basin and its surroundings show obvious northwest–southeast differences. For instance, precipitation extremes are increasing in the southeastern parts, but they are decreasing in the northwestern parts. (3) High‐value clusters are also identified in the southeast (e.g., R10, SDII, R95P and PRCPTOT, accounting for ~20.71%, ~20.72%, ~25.88%, and ~22.56%, respectively) and low‐value clusters in the northwest (e.g., Rx5day, SDII and R95P, accounting for ~18.05%, ~27.03%, and ~21.18%, respectively). (4) The spatiotemporal variations of precipitation extremes in both the southeast and northwest are quite stable. For example, regions with less than five abrupt change points of R10, SDII, and PRCPTOT account for 77.49%, 54.84%, and 81.74%, respectively.