SoftwareX (May 2023)
SootLib: A soot model library for combustion simulation
Soot formation in combustion is an important process that affects radiative heat transfer, flame temperatures, and emissions with health and environmental impacts. Soot formation involves complex chemistry for nucleation, growth, oxidation, and coagulation processes. The soot particles vary widely in size and accurate modeling requires representation of the particle size distribution (PSD). Modeling soot is not trivial, and is only one of several physical processes active in combustion systems. This paper presents a software package called SootLib, which is an open-source library for modeling soot formation and other aerosol systems. SootLib is written in C++, is documented with Doxygen, and is available on GitHub. The library includes several models for soot chemistry and coagulation, and it represents the PSD using either a sectional model or the method of moments (MOM). Four closure approaches for the MOM are implemented allowing up to eight moments: monodispersed, an assumed-shape lognormal distribution, the quadrature method of moments, and the method of moments with interpolative closure. SootLib provides an interface for inclusion in other combustion packages including CFD or reacting flow solvers. The range of models allows comparisons and sensitivity studies, and the modularity facilitates extension to other soot models.