Rev Rene (Jan 2019)
Tendência temporal da mortalidade por homicídio de mulheres em região brasileira
Objective to analyze the temporal trend of the homicide rate of women in the states of Northeastern Brazil.Methods ecological study of temporal trend. Data were the 25,332 feminicide deaths recorded in the Mortality Information System. A temporal trend analysis was performed using negative binomial regression.Results after the correction steps, there was an increase of approximately 17.0% in deaths, corresponding to the standardized average rate of 4.7/100,000 women. There were higher mortality rates in women in the second and third decades of life. Higher average rates per 100,000 women were observed in the states of Pernambuco (8.25) and Alagoas (6.32). An increase in mortality rates in all the states of the analyzed region, in the period verified was evidenced, with the exception of Sergipe.Conclusion a high magnitude of feminicide rates and ascendant trends were observed in most states in the Northeast Region of Brazil.