پژوهشهای ترجمه در زبان و ادبیات عربی (Jun 2014)
Review of Quran translations from Elahi Qomshei, Foladvand and Khorramshahi of based on the analysis of individual words (Case study of Raib, Zebh and Khashyat)
“Analysis of the individual words’’ is a way in Semantics that analysis the words of a text to the semantic components of its constitutive as possible for obtaining accurate and complete concept of words by putting the concepts together. This kind of finding meaning can be veryhelpful in understanding and describing of Semantic differences andsimilarities in words with closed meaning. According to themeaningof allwords and reconstruction efforts in the target language can provide a complete and accurate translation of the source text. Accordingly, in this article we have tried to analyze three words of the Quran in Surah Baqarah to the individual words by descriptive and analytical method and critical approach,to determine their full meaning and to explain the differences between them and the words that are closed semantically. These three words are: “Doubt, Victim and Fear”. The word of “Raib’’ has the meaning of all “doubt, fear, concerns and defamation’’.The word of “Zebh’’ is of Semantic components of “Killing’’, “Decapitate’’ and “sacrifice’’ and The “fear and bow’’ is the meaning of “Kahshyah’’ too.Thisstudysuggests that Elahi Qomshie, Foladvd and Khorramshahi have paid no attention to Semantic components of mentioned words andon the one hand, they have presented the incomplete, different and approximate equivalents for these words and on the other hand, theirequivalents usually does not have difference wiyh otherclosed meaning of words.