Ziglôbitha (Jan 2022)
Hegelian dialectics applications in the 21stcentury politics
Abstract: This article reveals a consistent pattern of a Hegelian dialectic treatment of Politics through the triad of thesis- antithesis- synthesis, and the fabricated conflicts in between. In this research, on the international politics problematic position, the West has used philosophical mechanisms like the Hegeliandialectics to regulate its hegemonic perspectives and people’s sentiments on the question. The marketplace of ideas,built during the previous centuries especially the twentieth and the twenty first, effectively disseminates the beliefs and ideas of the western societies whiledestabilizing the ideological and cultural independence of the post colonized Islamic Middle Eastern countries. Westerngovernments forged firm and durable links betweensocioeconomic position and ideological power, permitting to use each to buttress the other during conflicts.