Revista Educação Especial (Aug 2012)

Education and Health: a necessary dialogue policies of comprehensive care for people with disabilities

  • Nelma Alves Marques Pintor,
  • Juan Clinton Llerena Jr.,
  • Valdelúcia Alves Costa

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 25, no. 43
pp. 203 – 216


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This work aims to reflect on the importance of dialogue between education and health, basic thought of as public policy in the context of comprehensive care to people with disabilities. These findings emphasize the difficulty faced by these areas to establish a dialogue that results in convergent planning intersectoral action for health promotion, quality of life and social and educational inclusion of disabled people, especially the mentally handicapped. Based on studies of Brazilian authors seek to clarify some facts that underscore the need for dialogue and do not justify the perpetuation of the gap between these fields of knowledge. Presents the partial results of an experience of intersectionality between these areas in the municipal schools of Niterói (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) with students with disabilities, which stresses the absence of a culture of popular participation in local public policies.
