الإيضاح (Dec 2017)
"فقہی اختلافات کے مابین امام شعرانیؒ اور شاہ ولی اللہؒ کے اسالیبِ تطبیق The difference of interpretation of Fiqh between Imam Sha’rani (RA) and Shah Waliullah (RA)"
In the Islamic Sharia there are two types of texts, as for the first one, there is no need for any interpretations. For instance: Tauhid (unity of Allah), while few interpretations have modiefied with the changing circumstances. The expertises of Islamic jurists highlight the interpretations of the text according to prevailing social and political environment which can create harmony between Islamic Sharia and importunity of nature. Imam Sharani and Shah Wali Ullah are those personalities who evaluated the intellectual efforts of Islamic jurists and describe their diligencial and margenial secondary level differences. They created a road of conformity between their minor level marginal differences which are legitimate. Imam Sharani and Shah Wali Ullah‘s methodologies of uniformity represent the facts that differences in the approaches of jurists, which are considered as segregation in the reality that is benevolence for Muslim Ummah. Their methodologies of uniformity are not only practical but also very useful in the context of global village. In this age ethical, social, and family problems can be solved through the method of uniformity. For the solution of issues like intellectual extremism, prejudice and terrorism, Imam Sharani and Shah Wali Ullah‘s methodologies of uniformity are beaconhouse.