Journal of Rehabilitation (Oct 2002)

Review: Basic Approach Pyschosocial Problems

  • Morteza Nouri-Khajavi

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 3, no. 3
pp. 63 – 68


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A rural approach towards psychosocial problems, which is identified by preserved psychosocial orders, believe in utopia and having community without even one person involved by minimal psychosocial problems (Specially social damages). This approach would like to move towards complete social control over the damages and will be afraid (panic or phobic reactions) when confront with few psychosocial problems. Within this frame work, the interventional objectives are as follows: 1) Cut the roots of any damages (eradication) even at the individual or familial level, as soon as possible. 2) Total abstinence in the society. 3) Increase in powers of key persons for damage control. 4) Use of people participation under the authority of key persons for more control. B-In contrast, urban approach towards psychosocial problems identified by reorganization of the orders and accepting psychosocial problems inspite of any prevention plans, It seems to act partial control over psychosocial problems and will not be afraid (panic or phobic) when confronted with psychosocial problems. Within this framework, the interventional objectives are as follows: 1) It would like to limitate social problems and damages, more. 2) Tolerate them. 3) Increase of individual and community power for implementation. 4) Increase of community participation and professional institutes in prevention programs. 5) Produce prevention levels in order to confront with social damages (Such as primary, secondary and tertiary) and also more not only toward a health protective state but also health promotive's, one. So, in comparison with each other, it is clear that there are several differences in their goal setting. Consequently, the different objectives will be reflected in their strategies too. In the article, there are more explanations about the strategies.
