International Journal of Anatomy Radiology and Surgery (Apr 2019)
Re-Modernization of Dissection Hall Based on FAIR Principles of Learning – Evaluating the Perceived Learning Outcomes of First Year Medical Students
Introduction: Owing to certain curricular and non-academic factors, dissection hall based teaching is slowly losing its rigour. In addition, we can’t brush aside the fact that dissection hall not always cater the student’s with varied learning styles. Applying the FAIR principles of learning (Feedback, Active learning, Individualization and Relevance) to dissection hall teaching would offer choices of studying from other available resources in the decreased contact hours. Aim: To assess the perceptions of students regarding modernized dissection hall teaching and to record the advantages conferred by different instructional inputs. Materials and Methods: The dissection hall teaching has been modified and the initiatives are described. At the end of first year anatomy curriculum after the university practical examination was over, the students were asked to respond to an anonymous prevalidated questionnaire regarding their accomplishment of learning outcomes while attending the dissection course, as well as their attitude towards dissections and priority of learning resources. Statistical analysis of the questionnaire was done using SPSS version 21. Mean and the standard error of mean were calculated for quantitative variables. Results: Most of the students have strongly agreed that the dissection had made learning anatomy more interesting with a mean score of 4.78. Majority of students (88.4%) felt that doing dissection helped them to a great extent in developing learning via tactile/kinaesthetic senses. The priority mapping of the learning outcomes from different resources and preferentiality of various learning utilities are solicited. Conclusion: In the process of creating an enriched learning environment, we tried to provide multi-sensory input to the student by adopting the FAIR principles of learning. Out of various modalities presented to them, students still consider cadaveric dissection superior owing to the learning outcomes provided by it. The re-modernization attempt is widely received by the students with positive response.