Fuori Luogo (Jan 2024)
Which IT.A.CÀ for Naples? A SWOT Analysis Approach
Naples has a rich and suggestive artistic, historical and cultural heritage. This characterization makes it one of the most attractive Italian tourist cities. Starting from 2018, the IT.A.CÀ Festival has also been included for two years in the already dense calendar of tourist events of the regional capital of Campania. It is one of the major Italian Festivals aimed at promoting responsible tourism and enhancing local realities. The purpose of this paper is to present the results of an action-research conducted by OUT (University of Naples' Research Center on Tourism) aimed at analyzing the impacts that the Festival has had on Naples. The study involved the main representatives of associations, institutions and local bodies that organized the past Neapolitan editions of IT.A.CÀ. More specifically, using the SWOT analysis tool, the research identified the strengths and opportunities associated with the event, but also the weaknesses and threats, to individuate a number of recommendations for its realization in Naples.