Quality in Sport (Dec 2016)
Prefered and actual leadership behaviours of coaches, perceived by athletes in training process
Goal: obtaining an opinion of athletes about actual and preferred leadership behaviours of coaches as well as determining their correlation with selected personality features.Material: 140 competitors who practise professional sport: 54 females (38,6%) and 86 males (61,4%). The research project was carried out in 2014.Methods and tools: Rotter’s Internal-External Locus of Control Scale in translation of H. Olearnika (Ł. Drwal 1995), Generalised Self-Efficacy Scale, GSES - R. Schwarzer, M. Jerusalem and Z. Juczyński (Z. Juczyński 2001) as well as a Polish version of Leadership Scale for Sports LSS – a questionnaire for examining coaching behavior) – by Zuzanna Wałach-Biśta (Wałach-Biśta 2014). Additionally, there were age, seniority and sport class certificates provided.Results: statistical calculations indicate diversity of female-competitors and male-competitors in the analysed parametres and 5 subscales of the SPS questionnaire.Conclusion/ summary: results of the analysis of rates of correlation indicate need for additional training for coaches in the field of selected soft skills (e.g. communicative).